Meaningful work to improve angling
Research provides a proactive approach in managing, sustaining and enhancing the fisheries in our lakes, rivers and streams. SVSFE has taken on the initiative to pursue projects to understand and cooperatively help manage our fisheries with local fisheries managers and partners. Many projects require continual or rotational surveys to validate results and to obtain a better understanding of the state of the fishery. Some examples include; spawn assessments, fish population & lake surveys, recruitment surveys, maintenance programs and lake exploration for fish introductions. In the end, decisions are based on assessment results which lead to quality management decisions. To summarize theses activities, reviews, final reports and general notices/articles are created in order to share the information with users. Below is a list of various media of these activities plus other initiatives the group has undertaken. In addition there are reports from other organizations/agencies have completed or partnered on in the area.
- An Evaluation of a Coulter Counter Method for the Determination of Primary Productivity, and an Assessment of Seasonal Phytoplankton Biomass and Species Composition at West Blue Lake, MB (Cliff, 1972) (10)
- Angler harvest and other causes of mortality of stocked salmonids in lakes in the Duck Mountain Provincial Park, MB (Matkowski, 1984) (12)
- Bacterial numbers and substrate utilization as related to phytoplankton activity in West Blue Lake, MB (Brandt, 1973) (7)
- Diel movement of walleye in West Blue Lake, MB as determined by ultrasonic tracking (Kelso, 1976) (10)
- Evaluating the effects of fry and fingerling plants on walleye production in West Blue Lake, Manitoba via isozymes of malate dehydrogenase (Schweigert, 1976) (8)
- Food Habits, Gastric Digestion, and Food Consumption Rates of Yellow Perch, in West Blue Lake, MB (Falk, 1971) (8)
- Growth, feeding and distribution of of yellow perch fry during their first summer in West Blue Lake, MB (Wong, 1972) (9)
- Growth, maturity, production and feeding of yellow perch fry and their effect on the daphnia pulicaria forbes of West Blue Lake, MB (Henderson, 1977) (9)
- Life history and habitat differences between gammerus lacustris lacustris sars and hyalella azteca (sassure) in West Blue Lake, Manitoba (Biette, 1969) (8)
- Life history, behavior, population dynamics, and productivity of dyacyclops bicuspidatus thomasi (Forbes) in West Blue Lake, Manitoba (Patrick, 1984) (8)
- Population dynamics and feeding ecology of chao flavicans (meigen) (diptera: chaoboridae) in relation to chaoborus productivity in West Blue Lake (Lysack, 1976) (8)
- Population Parameters and Bioenergetic Demands of Walleye, in Relation to their Tropic Dynamic Ecology, West Blue, MB (Kelso, 1971) (8)
- Seasonal Growth Rates within a Population of Walleye, in West Blue Lake, MB (Glenn, 1969) (10)
- The primary production of submerged macrophytes in West Blue Lake, MB (7)
- The utilization of organic acids by planktonic heterotrophs in West Blue Lake, MB (Hendzel, 1972) (10)
- Vital statistics, biomass, and seasonal production, of an unexploited walleye population in West Blue Lake, MB. (8)