Preserving and enhancing angling opportunities through knowledge
Education is vital! SVSFE is mandated to educate the general public on the methods, needs and advisability of preserving and improving habitat for game fish species. Having knowledgeable anglers, fisheries are more likely to be sustainable for future generations to enjoy. Since the group formed in 1987 SVSFE has been educating the public in the form of fishing presentations, seminars, school presentations, field trips, fishing derby’s and promotional signage.
Current Events & Programs

SVSFE Rec Angling Day Camps – The day camp program will provide youth ages 10 -14 with the opportunity to fish for different species, learning different angling techniques along with exposure to land base knowledge with a focus on angling. The Day Camps will take place in July and August of 2024. Fishing destinations include Wellman Lake and the Red Deer River. Click below to register.
Family Fishing Day – This annual event is a great way to get out for some ice fishing fun with the whole family. Entry is free, no license required, hot lunch is provided by the Swan River Elks and SVSFE provides bait, hooks and open holes to fish. Anglers go home with a little bit of local knowledge on our fisheries and a goodie bag for the kids.

Stewards of the Future Program– Stewards is defined as “to manage or look after” making “Stewards of the Future” the appropriate title for the program that was first offered to the Swan Valley School Division in the 2011/2012 school year. This program consisted of seven schools raising trout in the classroom and SVSFE technicians providing in-classroom lessons along with a field trip to wrap up the year. Technicians presented lectures designed to inform and motivate students to pursue goals of protecting, reconnecting, restoring, and sustaining fisheries and their watershed. Today, students still participate in caring for the fish including feeding and tank maintenance. On some years, schools have received presentations from SVSFE staff or local conservation staff, fishing field trips and trout releases when time permits. The Whiteshell Fish Hatchery provides trout fingerlings for the program and equipment and supplies are provided by SVSFE. The presence of fish in the classroom inspires students to relate learning concepts to the environment around them.

Fish Camp – The four-day camp provided young anglers the opportunity to experience a variety of fishing and outdoor adventures, as well, campers gain valuable tools to become responsible and successful anglers. Each camper took part in theoretical lessons and field practical activities such as; boat & canoe safety lessons, fly fishing lessons, angling techniques, knot tying, wilderness survival, tree/plant, I.D, geocaching, and many more! Although this program required a significant amount of time and energy in terms of planning and coordinating each year, it is particularly rewarding to SVSFE staff and volunteers. Thank you to all the camp sponsors.

Work experience – Through various projects, SVSFE creates education and employment opportunities to inspire fisheries professionals.
Bursaries – SVSFE offers an annual bursary designed to help graduating secondary students who are pursuing education in environmental or natural resource field.
School Fishing Trips and Guest Speaker Presentations/Seminars – These events are held to inspire individuals/youth to explore and experience the sport of fishing! – SVSFE receives requests from various schools to take groups out for a day of fishing. These trips have ranged from day shore fishing trips to field trips across Manitoba to discover the history of fishing and the Whiteshell Fish Hatchery.

Past Events & Programs
Yellow Fish Road – Yellow Fish Road is a nation-wide environmental program. It’s designed by Trout Unlimited Canada. The goal is to help Canadians understand that storm drains empty into our local waterbodies. Every few years all participating groups and classes from schools in Swan River paint yellow fish on the storm drains to remind the public that polluting the streets pollutes our waters.
The Manitoba Recreational Fishing League (RFL) – RFL is a fun and competitive fishing league for kids. Teams throughout the province compete in a friendly manner while learning about the fisheries and environment around them. SVSFE took part in the league in both the 90’s and early 2000’s. Past educational events or summaries of activities can be found on the “Research” page, in the “News” articles or on the “Facebook” page