Swan River
The Swan River has been referred to as one of the most under-utilized fisheries in the Swan Valley area. The system’s headwaters originate near Par Hill Lake, in the Porcupine Hills, SK. It then meanders eastward to Manitoba, through the Swan River Valley until it eventually flows into Swan Lake. Angling occurs throughout the river with popular spots in the various reaches both upstream, downstream and within the townsite of Swan River. The most popular species include walleye and northern pike however a variety of other species are caught occasionally as well.
There are many access points (entry/exits) along the Swan River. In 2020 SVSFE created the Swan River Fishing Package by combining current data collection, local knowledge, and personal experiences to provide anglers insight on the angling opportunities present in the Swan River. This information includes contour data from the SK border to Swan Lake, public access points, high-quality fishin’ hole locations, site descriptions, photos, trip options and a little bit of knowledge gained from kayaking and fishing over 165 km of river. The fishing package, maps and downloads can be found below. Information on how to use the downloads specific to the Swan River can be found in the fishing package.
Downloads & Links
Data Files & Maps
Open in Gaia GPS App
Contour Data – SK Border to Swan River.kmz
Contour Data – Swan River to Lenswood.kmz
Contour Data – Lenswood to Swan Lake.kmz
Points of Interest.gpx
Open in Google Earth
Swan River Fishing Package – Contour data & POI