West Watjask Lake
- Closed to all fishing from November 15 to and including June 15
- May only use artificial lures and flies and may only use one hook per lure
- Possession limit is zero
The following information from you would help us to better understand this population:
- Date of catch
- Time of catch
- Length of fish (cm)
- Location of catch (optional)
- General health/condition of fish
- Before a quick and safe catch/release, please take a high resolution photo of:
- Entire fish on its left side (see below)
- Skin pattern on tail end of fish (zoomed)
- Photo quality suggestions: High resolution and good focus, No glare from sun, Ensure tail end is visible, Good angle showing entire left side of fish, No belly or back pictures
Please email photos and submissions to ian.kitch@gov.mb.ca
Please call 204-734-8350 if you have any questions.
**Due to the nature of difficulty regarding access on backcountry lakes, launch access areas are restricted to small watercraft only. SVSFE is working with partners to make minor improvements to the boat launch and development is designed to facilitate small boats.
Located 72.2 km from Swan River, MB off of Highway 83 in the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest. The distance from trailhead to West Watjask Lake is ~8.5 km. A portion of the access road is Designated Route S and is often accessible by four-wheel drive vehicles as it can be muddy during wet periods. Lake access is either by truck/ATV in the summer or snowmobile in the winter. This road is not regularly maintained and a well established logging road. Use caution when travelling and be sure to contact the nearest government office for updated information before using this road.