West Blue Lake
West Blue Lake is 95.2 hectares with a maximum depth of 40.3 meters and a mean depth of 13.9 meters. Targetable fish species present are brook trout and walleye. Angling facilities available are an undeveloped boat launch with dock, angling dock with benches, filleting station and parking areas. This lake is most popular in the fall for brook trout extremists. The clear, almost turquoise, colored water provides anglers with spectacular views of the trout preparing to spawn on their signature redds. Boat motors are limited to electric motor only. Fluctuating water levels flooded the main access in 2011. The current launch does pose some limitations for launching but Parks Branch continues to work on this. The lake provides great angling opportunities for canoeists and kayakers. Anglers can also visit the small “T-dock” located at the north end accessed off HWY #366. Just note, the short trail can be a little rough in spots.
Great amenities are at Blue Lakes Resort with eight rental cabins (each with an extraordinary view of the lake), boat/kayak/canoe rentals, laundromat, convenience/grocery store, gas and much more. West Blue Lake is positioned along the Blue Lakes Provincial Park Campground which hosts 73 daily and 41 seasonal campsites as well. Campground facilities available are a beach area, playground, swimming area, parking, modern and non-modern washrooms, hiking trail and full-service campsites. More information on all services available within the campground can be under the “Learn More” page under Manitoba Parks.
Located 82.3 km from Swan River, MB on PR #366 in the Duck Mountain Provincial Park.