East Blue Lake
East Blue Lake is 102.2 hectares with a maximum depth of 63.8 meters and a mean depth of 24.1 meters. Being situated right in the center of the Duck Mountain Provincial Park, this lake is a popular destination for anglers. Targetable fish species present are rainbow trout, splake, lake trout and walleye. The lake is known for its crystal-clear water allowing lake users to see the underwater life to great depths. Anglers typically gang troll through the deep waters or lindy rig off the available fishing platforms for rainbows, bottom bounce for walleyes or occasionally jig for the lakers. Angling facilities available are an established boat launch with dock, multiple angling/diving docks, filleting shack and parking lot.
East Blue Lake has 10 developed cottages and 73 daily and 41 seasonal campsites. Blue Lakes Provincial Campground facilities available are a beach area, playground, swimming area, scuba diving platforms parking, modern and non-modern washrooms, and full-service campground. More information on services available within the campground can be found on the “Learn More” page under Manitoba Parks. Other great amenities are at Blue Lakes Resort with eight rental cabins (each with an extraordinary view of the lake), boat/kayak/canoe rentals, laundromat, convenience/grocery store, gas and much more. The owners at Blue Lakes Resort are a great source of info if you want to know what’s biting and the best way to target those fish.
Located 82.3 km from Swan River, MB on PR #366 in the Duck Mountain Provincial Park.