Black Beaver Lake
Black Beaver Lake is 72 hectares with a maximum depth of 6.7 meters and a mean depth of 2.1 meters. The lake has multiple canoe/kayak/small boat access points. Features present include a fishing dock and bench on a trail off of the main route on the west side of the lake. Targetable fish species present are brook trout and rainbow trout.
This lake occasionally winterkills, but in turn, this event has provided opportunities for exceptional growth on newly stocked fish. On select years following a winterkill event Black Beaver Lake becomes an extremely popular trout angling destination in both summer and winter. If going in the winter months be sure to fish the north shore for non-stop action.
**Due to the nature of difficulty regarding access on backcountry lakes, launch access areas are restricted to small watercraft only.
Located 56.2 km from Swan River, MB off of PR #366 in the Duck Mountain Provincial Park. The distance from trailhead to Black Beaver Lake is 0.9 km.