Armit River

As one of the most remote trout rivers in the area, the Armit River is seldom visited despite its unique angling opportunities and stunning landscapes. The river originates at Armit Lake and meanders northerly through the Porcupine Provincial Forest, The Armit Meadows Ecological Reserve, and the Red Deer Wildlife Management Area until eventually flowing into Red Deer Lake. Angling opportunities exist throughout the system and up into the many feeder tributaries of the river. The River meanders along the Manitoba and Saskatchewan Border and crosses multiple times. The Armit River and its tributaries home a naturalized population of brook trout and is supplementally stocked with brown and brook trout by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Natural Resources


There are several access options to the Armit River. Most of the access roads and trails are active logging roads, therefore conditions and accessibility can change significantly depending on time of year and current logging activity. The primary river access points exist south of PTH 77 (Highway 3 – Saskatchewan). In Saskatchewan the primary access location can be reached by 4×4 truck off Highway 980. Watch for signs directing you to the Armit River. In Manitoba the primary access trails begin from the National Mills Road. In MB, all these accesses require an ATV to find the river. See access information downloads for a full summary.


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